| March 17, 2023

Global Recycling Day 2023

Written by Marketing

Tomorrow is Global Recycling Day, an international event celebrating the importance of recycling and its potential to preserve resources, reduce energy consumption and create jobs. It also provides an opportunity to educate people about the environmental benefits of recycling.

Not only does recycling help reduce the amount of waste and environmental pollution, but it can also create thousands of new jobs in processing, manufacturing, and other industries. Additionally, by reducing the need to use natural resources for production, recycling helps us save energy and money whilst maintaining a healthy environment for future generations.

Here at MASECO Private Wealth, we take recycling seriously. In 2022, we recycled 2500kg and our recycling rate increased to 65%. The paper we use is 100% recycled, and we also try, to ensure that if something has a secondary use, we make sure it gets recycled.

We are always looking at ways to improve, but currently, we recycle paper, card, glass, cans, and some plastics such as milk bottles. Our recycling bins are next to our copier and in each kitchen space. Bins for items that aren’t recyclable are in the kitchen and are clearly labelled.

This Global Recycling Day, there are plenty of ways you can help the environment and show your commitment to sustainability. Here are a few ideas for how you can get involved:

  1. Reduce consumption of single-use plastic items — opt for reusable options instead. Bring your own shopping bags when grocery shopping and drink from reusable water bottles.
  2. Donate and/or sell items that you no longer need or want — by keeping them out of landfills, you’re helping to reduce the amount of waste sent there.
  3. Make sure your recyclables are properly sorted and disposed of in a recycling bin. Be mindful of what materials are recyclable, as sometimes things that appear to be recyclable aren’t accepted at local recycling centres.
  4. Participate in a local clean-up event or volunteer with an organization dedicated to recycling and sustainability efforts.
  5. Educate your family and friends about the importance of recycling and how it helps the environment in the long run.

Taking part in Global Recycling Day is a great way to ensure you’re doing your part for a healthier planet. Get started today and start making small changes that can have a significant impact.