A world of service excellence awaits

Very few understand the unique needs of multi-jurisdictional US families like we do. It’s why we regularly support financial advisers to better serve their US clients. We invite you to join us.

We’re bridging the knowledge gap between the US and UK

At MASECO, we understand that clients’ expectations for a more in-depth wealth management service can place greater demands on a financial adviser’s time. For your US clients, this can be particularly challenging due to the additional regulatory and tax issues they face.

Working alongside MASECO, you can retain your client relationship and remain the trusted adviser to the client, while gaining access MASECO’s award-winning investment strategies and solutions.

The pinnacle of investment theory

We consistently employ a scientific and academically driven approach, continuously designing, analysing, refining, and iterating with the aim of providing your clients with the best multi-jurisdictional wealth strategies.

Our evidence-based approach guides us at every point in the investment process. It enables us to actively build strategies that emphasise factors of the market that research shows have higher expected returns.

We develop partnerships, for the long-haul

For over 15 years, forward-thinking advisers like you have turned to MASECO to bring the needs of their US clients into focus and realise mutually beneficial opportunities. To us, and to the firms who partner with us, this is a decision that’s based on a joint commitment to service excellence.

We look forward to welcoming you on board.

Our adviser aligned approach benefits everyone:

  • We aim to help clients’ advisers in two main ways so that advisers who can no longer advise their US connected clients can ask MASECO to fulfil this role and secondly so those who wish to continue to advise their US connected clients can do so using our DFM (discretionary investment management) service.

    Our DFM service has been structured to allow you to retain your client relationship and remain the trusted adviser to the client, while outsourcing business risk of managing accounts for American clients and gaining invaluable access to MASECO’s investment strategies and solutions.

  • US and UK tax efficient investments that may significantly reduce the combined taxes due on their investments.

    US custodial relationships.

    Low cost, institutional investment philosophy.

    Bespoke or Managed Portfolio Service (“MPS”) options.

    Benefits at-a-glance:

    • Registered with the US SEC
    • Pre-immigration financial planning
    • Multi-currency management of US and UK pensions
    • US and UK tax reports
    • A solution for taxable accounts, US and UK pensions, trusts and ISAs
  • Managing the tax/wealth equation is vital when working with US clients who often have two tax regimes to consider when making an investment decision.

    All of our US clients, including trusts, will receive in-depth US and UK tax and activity reports to aid with their tax filing obligations.

    Most of our clients do not have to file the Report of Foreign Bank Accounts (FBAR) on their portfolios as their assets are custodied in the US.

    We aim to simplify and thereby reduce the cost of clients’ US/UK tax compliance.

    If advisers do not wish to use us a DFM but would like MASECO to take over the advisory role with their clients, we can effectively use the tax allowances available currently to your clients. Although we are not tax advisers, we conduct tax analysis on our clients’ existing portfolios to assess whether restructuring a portfolio makes economic sense. We consider both the US and UK tax liabilities and foreign exchange movements, the tax status of the funds, as well as holding periods for US tax purposes.

    We can also assist advisers and their clients with pre-immigration financial planning ahead of moves to the US or the UK.

Let's talk

Other ways to contact us

If you have questions, a specific enquiry, or would like to request more information, please contact our client services team via the web form.


+44 (0) 207 043 0455

The Kodak Building
11 Keeley Street
London WC2B 4BA