American Football
| August 18, 2021

Never Give Up

Written by Henry Findlater

“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” ― Vince Lombardi

This often-misinterpreted quote is attributed to Vince Lombardi, the American football coach and executive in the National Football League. Lombardi was famous for his speeches, talks and quotes, which provided his players with enough motivation to win games, despite the odds stacked against them.

Lombardi was best known as the head coach of the Green Bay Packers during the 1960s, where he led the team to three straight, and five total, NFL Championship victories in seven years, in addition to winning the first two Super Bowls at the conclusion of the 1966 and 1967 NFL seasons. Lombardi is considered by many to be the greatest coach in American football history as well as being recognized as one of the greatest leaders in the history of all American sports. This isn’t surprising given that he never had a losing season as a head coach in the NFL, compiling a regular-season winning percentage of 73.8% (96–34–6), and 90% (9–1) in the postseason for an overall record of 105 wins, 35 losses, and 6 ties.[1]

Lombardi never gave up, he was determined, focused and inspirational. This leads us to why we are focusing on this sporting legend, given today is “Never Give Up Day”. Never Give Up Day is about having a mindset of determination to help us get through even the hardest of challenges. This day is about motivating others, inspiring ourselves and remembering that with perseverance, strength and determination you can push through hard times and keep going to achieve success.[2]

Here at MASECO we are forever standing on the side of our clients and staff.  We are a team bound together by the common purpose of doing the right thing, for our clients and each other, and share the same set of values that guide our work every day. These values are fundamental beliefs and principles that steer our decision making and behaviour every day. They are the compass that guides our firm and ensure that we share the same determination to keep driving forward, achieving greatness and never giving up.

Through teamwork, we work together and support each other in pursuit of MASECO’s goals. We actively encourage everyone to continually look for ways in which they can improve and become even better. We maintain this willingness to learn to further ourselves, striving to become thought leaders and masters of our niche. Additionally, we realise perfection is impossible but that does not stop us from doing everything we can to push to achieve it, and to motivate and encourage our team in the same way that Lombardi encouraged his.

On this day, we invite you to join us in applauding not only the people that have already reached their goals, but also to support those who are still working hard to achieve theirs and perhaps are still on their journey to greatness. During turbulent times, let’s join together to motivate and inspire those around us to never give up.

[1] Vince Lombardi – Wikipedia