Helping you to live your best life

Globally focused and tailored to your distinct multi-jurisdictional needs, our powerful three-step program plans and maps a clear, data-driven pathway.

Best of All Worlds™

Your wealth. Your way.

Throughout our journey we have listened to, and worked with, thousands of families to enable them to make choices on how they can live their best life.

We have gathered that data and experience and created a three-part program to help our families live a rich and thriving life.

We call it: Best of All Worlds™

1. What matters

Good social relationships are the most consistent predictor of a happy life. Happy relationships are also associated with better health and longevity. Our What Matters modular approach helps you unearth what makes you and your family members truly happy. No two people are alike and every one of us places a different ‘value’ on the various aspects of life. 

These dimensions include occupational, social, emotional and financial considerations. Unearthing what matters to you and what matters to all members of your family will empower you to live your best life.   

People skiing at the top of a mountain
People skiing at the top of a mountain

Best of All Worlds™ has been built to help you prioritise your points of importance and invest in what really matters to you. Your values, ambitions and aspirations.

In short, your goals guide everything we do. We work intensively with you to capture a complete picture of your financial life so we can accurately align your personal and financial priorities.

Three people riding their horses on the beach

2. LifeMap™

For the journey

We believe investing in decades, not days is the best way to support your life ambitions. Once you understand What Matters to you and those you care about, you can start to map and plan your life, enabling you to live your best life.

A journey that begins with garnering a detailed LifeMap™ is key to understanding where you are today and where you can be in the future.

Passions + Goals

What brings you joy? Traversing new horizons, curating a collection or championing a cause?

Some goals are near-term and some are for the long-term.  Expertly aligning your investment strategy around your passions and goals affords you the opportunity to discover life-affirming pastimes, realise lifelong ambitions or simply enjoy life’s pleasures.

Assets + Liabilities

Achieving your most important goals starts with a clear understanding of your assets and liabilities.

Ensuring that your assets are structured tax efficiently can result in significantly different outcomes for families.  Getting to the heart of these key questions provides a precise picture of your current financial standing, laying the groundwork for informed and successful decisions about your future. 

Income + Expenditure

Financial security and well-being come down to ensuring a healthy balance between income and expenditure.  We do not just take a snapshot view of this today but instead map these out for your lifetime.

Ensuring that savings are made in the most tax efficient manner and expenditure is sourced with careful consideration of tax consequences is key in ensuring that you live a tax-efficient life.

Tax Planning

Ensure that you and your family's assets are safeguarded through comprehensive tax and wealth planning. Understanding your residence, citizenship and multi-jurisdictional status and intentions is the lens through which we view your financial world.

Our data-driven process interconnects your cross-border considerations to overcome associated rules, regulations and tax considerations.

Only with a tax-optimised plan in place that runs through all possible scenarios can you enjoy peace of mind and live your life with confidence.

Securing Your Future

When is enough enough?  We help you balance What Matters with your financial circumstances in order to create a plan that secures your future.  Whether that be retirement planning or legacy planning and regardless of where you currently stand in your career, we are here to assist you with your planning your future cashflows.

Our expertise lies integrating your cash flow plans seamlessly with your personal objectives. This is executed through a data driven programme that enables you to make grand lifestyle choices or residency decisions with your heart as well as your head.

Networking + Knowledge

When you walk through our door, you become part of the MASECO family. In practice, that means you will be invited to network with like-minded global families with shared experiences and similar interests.

You will also be given exclusive access to expert insight from industry leading professionals covering topics our client research has highlighted as areas of particular interest.

Building Your Legacy

Some of us may assume the role of the guardian of wealth. Or wish to create a real impact through philanthropy and wider gifts. Others aim to use their capital to generate positive outcomes for those they care about the most.

Whatever your motivation, living your best life requires careful and considerate tax efficient Estate Planning.  The world is a changing place and global tax rates and regulations are unstable.

Our modular Estate Planning approach helps you leverage the thousands of tax-aware global clients we have previously advised, helping you build a tax efficient plan designed for you, and fit for the next generation.

3. BestLifePlan™

Once your wealth and life goals have been mapped, we bring the full weight of our international expertise to bear, allowing us to realise unique levels of granularity when creating your BestLifePlan™.

At the heart of our program is the understanding that what constitutes your BestLifePlan™ today, without exception, will need to adapt and evolve to be your BestLifePlan™ tomorrow.

In practice, this means you will placed at the centre of an ever-evolving scope informed by our unique diagnostic approach.

Deep dive diagnostics

You are unique. Your life is layered with significant events and nuanced circumstances that can have a profound influence on your future.

It's why we place you at the centre of a Wealth Team who forge a deep, diagnostic relationship with you and your family.

Utilising our suite of MASECO diagnostic tools, your Wealth Team will proactively monitor key areas of your BestLifePlan™ to identify areas for adjustment.

Providing actionable data that we implement through our modular approach - to keep our strategies and advice forensically aligned with your wealth and life goals.

Our core diagnostic pillars

Financial. Portfolio. Legal/Estate. Income for life. Tax.

Navigating your wealth your way takes more than a plan.
It requires a partner.

Book an appointment

We believe collaboration begins with a conversation. To book your introductory conversation with a MASECO financial advisor, please click on the button below to select an available time and date using the calendar.