Supporting the Organic Movement and Why You Should Care
Written by MarketingOrganic September celebrates organic food and drinks in the UK every year. It’s part of an ongoing effort to raise awareness about the importance of eating organic produce, supporting sustainable farming practices, and protecting our planet from further exploitation. The Soil Association established the initiative – the leading UK charity campaigning for healthy, humane, and sustainable food, farming, and land use.
Organic September is celebrated in many ways nationwide, from supermarkets showcasing organic products to restaurants hosting special events. This year will be no different, with various activities planned throughout the month across the country.
Considering the environmental impact of food production, it is more important than ever for individuals to make positive changes and support sustainable initiatives like Organic September. You can do this by buying organic whenever possible, switching to an ethical grocery delivery service that only sources from certified organic suppliers, or even growing your vegetables in a pot or window box.
Organic September is about celebrating the health benefits of eating organic foods and supporting local farmers – let’s all get involved and do our bit! Whether you eat out or shop for groceries every week, look for organic options as much as possible during this month-long celebration of organic produce.
MASECO is proud to support Organic September, and everyone can actively promote healthy, sustainable food production in the UK. So, join us this year for a fantastic month celebrating organic fruits and vegetables.
For more information on how to get involved with Organic September 2023, visit the Soil Association website now Organic September | Soil Association.