Volatility and having a disciplined investment plan in the current stock market
Written by Edward HowisonDuring the first part of this year we experienced a significant increase in volatility. In the first 4 months of 2022, the S&P 500 declined around 13% (Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices; as at 3 May 2022). This could be categorized as an “average” correction and was likely overdue, given the strong market performance of recent years.
One thing to keep in mind is that volatility is normal. It is an inherent feature of the public financial markets. In fact, volatility is a necessary element to the higher returns generated by the stock market. History shows that investors who are willing to withstand higher portfolio volatility can typically expect a higher rate of return.
Inevitably when volatility increases, as it has recently, anxieties for clients may increase regarding their investments. For most of our clients, their life savings and ability to achieve their financial goals are closely tied to the long-term performance of their investments. In this context, a key role as our clients Wealth Managers is to impart discipline not only for their investments, but also other key elements of their financial plan, such as cash flow management, goal setting, tax and estate planning. All of these components work together to support a financial path in which clients can have confidence in their portfolios.
As part of a financial plan, a disciplined approach to investments can greatly help to allay client anxieties or concerns during bouts of market volatility.
There are several reasons for this. First, a disciplined investment strategy will include diversification across several asset classes, such as U.S. equities, international equities, bonds and real estate. Holding multiple asset classes can help to dampen portfolio volatility.
Second, appropriate asset allocation is an important discipline that refers to the percentage of assets in the various asset classes. Asset allocation is determined by the needs of the client as set forth in the financial plan and represents a strategic positioning of assets that should not change based on the vagaries of the financial markets.
Third, having a disciplined approach to investing obviates the need for trying to “time” the market. Market timing, or trading in and out of the market based on guesses on what the market may do, is one of the biggest destroyers of long-term returns for both individual and professional investors alike and can seriously undermine an otherwise sound financial plan.
Knowing their investments are properly positioned in a disciplined manner can and should go a long way to allaying client fears during volatile periods. An appropriate asset allocation will do the job of delivering the long-term returns within, ideally, the lowest risk posture necessary to achieve the goals of the plan. By adopting this disciplined approach, clients need not worry about the short-term effects of market volatility and are better positioned to stay the course in delivering more predictable long-term return on their assets with lower overall risk.
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- All investments involve risk and may lose value. The value of your investment can go down depending upon market conditions and you may not get back the original amount invested. Your capital is always at risk.
- Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
MASECO LLP (trading as MASECO Private Wealth and MASECO Institutional) is established as a limited liability partnership in England and Wales (Companies House No. OC337650) and has its registered office at Burleigh House, 357 Strand, London WC2R 0HS. The individual partners are Mr J E Matthews, Mr J R D Sellon, Mr A Benson, Mr D R B Dorman, Mr H Q A Findlater, Mr T Flonaes, Mr E A Howison, Ms A L Solana and Mr N B Tissot. For your protection, telephone calls are usually recorded.
MASECO LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the conduct of investment business in the UK and is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission as a Registered Investment Advisor.